
Latest Past Events

32nd Annual Community Crab Feast

American Legion 116 1090 Westminster Pike, Reisterstown

One of Our Most Popular Events is HERE! Unlimited Crabs, Corn, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Side Salads, Beer & MORE are all included! Join us to celebrate 32 years of this popular community event! Crabs provided by our long-time member Reter's Crab House!!!  Our Annual Crab Feast sells out EVERY year, so please register now. We do not expect at-the-door tickets to be available. Ticket Prices Increase After July 19th- So Buy Now & Save! If you can't join us or want to take crabs home, you can order "Crab-a-Bag" To-Go! (a baker's dozen of crabs) for just $59 that you can pick up at the American Legion during the crab feast hours. Sponsorships are Available as Well- All Levels Include Tickets What to Expect: Doors open at 5:30 for burgers, hot dogs, salads, drinks and networking Crabs will be on your table by 6pm for 2 hours of unlimited picking and eating Two types of beer and non-alcoholic drinks are complimentary The Magic Wheel will be available for prizes Sponsors will have take-aways for you A ton of fun will be had by all! After July 19th, tickets will be $79 for all the above. THIS EVENT IS OPEN SEATING UNLESS YOU ARE A SPONSOR OR ADVISE US OF SEATING REQUESTS BY JULY 23RD
