32nd Annual Community Crab Feast
American Legion 116 1090 Westminster Pike, ReisterstownOne of Our Most Popular Events is HERE! Unlimited Crabs, Corn, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Side Salads, Beer & MORE are all included! Join us to celebrate 32 years of this popular community event! Crabs provided by our long-time member Reter's Crab House!!! Our Annual Crab Feast sells out EVERY year, so please register now. We do not expect at-the-door tickets to be available. Ticket Prices Increase After July 19th- So Buy Now & Save! If you can't join us or want to take crabs home, you can order "Crab-a-Bag" To-Go! (a baker's dozen of crabs) for just $59 that you can pick up at the American Legion during the crab feast hours. Sponsorships are Available as Well- All Levels Include Tickets What to Expect: Doors open at 5:30 for burgers, hot dogs, salads, drinks and networking Crabs will be on your table by 6pm for 2 hours of unlimited picking and eating Two types of beer and non-alcoholic drinks are complimentary The Magic Wheel will be available for prizes Sponsors will have take-aways for you A ton of fun will be had by all! After July 19th, tickets will be $79 for all the above. THIS EVENT IS OPEN SEATING UNLESS YOU ARE A SPONSOR OR ADVISE US OF SEATING REQUESTS BY JULY 23RD